Even at the best of times, it would be rare for anyone to describe a job search as “inspiring” or “fun,” all the more during the rough times we are currently facing. During the pandemic, for example, job seekers were confined to their often busy, noisy homes, facing competing demands for their time and attention from children, roommates, and pets. This made it more challenging than ever to find a quiet, focused block of time to browse the internet for jobs, network on LinkedIn, or take an online course.
But finding time is just part of the challenge—harder still is finding the motivation, focus, and self-discipline to prioritize it and get it done. The resulting guilt and sense of failure only make it even harder.
Why is Motivation Sometimes so Hard to Maintain?
Being motivated is often more easily said than done – you know you need to get something done, but it’s not happening. Somehow, you just can’t dig up that willpower to even get going on — what should be — a simple task. Many of us have this idea that we are the only ones struggling to find motivation to do seemingly easy tasks, but the truth is that everyone faces motivational challenges now and then. We just don’t talk about our struggles because we think that it’s a sign of weakness or that we are the only ones dealing with this issue.
We know that motivation is much easier to find when we enjoy a task (for example, having a meal) or when we are doing something for someone else (such as attending to a needy child). However, motivation can become difficult when we do something that’s not enjoyable, not expected by others, or not immediately rewarding.
When the goal seems difficult to achieve, it’s even harder to muster up the motivation to achieve it—think of the struggles so many people face with fitness or weight loss, for example.
Finding work can feel unattainable for job seekers- especially when times are tough. Maybe you have been looking for postings and found nothing you could apply for, or maybe you’ve sent out multiple job applications, and no one has responded. Also, constant news about layoffs and increasing unemployment makes finding a job sound nearly impossible. So, for many job searchers, as they make their way through each day, it’s challenging to find the time and motivation to look for work — and many find themselves, instead, taking of others’ needs or just sleeping in, mindlessly watching TV or just generally feeling ineffective.
Feeling like you are just not getting things done can lead to a sense of failure, regret and self-loathing, which can, in and of itself, feel paralyzing. Soon, it can feel like a rut you are stuck in, watching days go by and feeling like time is wasted.
So, What Do We Know About Motivation?
What motivates us? Human motivational drivers are as diverse as we are from each other. We are driven by obvious forces such as finances, of course, but we are also driven to feel competent and creative, have a sense of purpose, and, very importantly, feel connected to others. When choices are limited, it’s harder than ever to meet all these needs, which makes finding motivation even harder.
One interesting scientific finding is that motivation is a limited resource. We all start our day with a certain amount of willpower, which eventually gets depleted as we face our personal daily challenges. A stressful multitasking day spent attending to the needs of others doesn’t leave you with the motivational reserves to do what is needed for yourself.
We also know that motivational challenges vary between people. For some, the challenge is getting through a long to-do list, and for others, simply getting out of bed and facing the day can be hard.
Finding the Willpower to Get Things Done
Self-help experts might tell you that “it’s all in your head” and “all about attitude.” They might tell you that you must “decide to act” to overcome your resistance. The problem is that even though you might have the best intentions and a carefully laid-out plan, it can sometimes feel nearly impossible to find the willpower to get it done.
It turns out that motivation isn’t simply a switch you flip on. Getting motivated is part psychological and emotional, but it is also, in large part, physiological—and it is also impacted by your physical ability to focus and persevere. If your health is compromised because of factors such as stress, isolation, poor sleep, lack of activity, or poor nutrition, getting things done is much harder.
Sleep is an important and often neglected factor.
Many doctors report that an increasing number of their patients are experiencing sleep issues. I certainly have struggled with that myself and have heard from my job-seeking clients about getting to bed way after midnight and sleeping in until the afternoon. The fact is that poor sleep has massive impacts on our overall health, impacting our ability to manage stress, focus, and, yes, stay motivated—especially when it comes to uninspiring tasks such as job searches. If you wake up exhausted, finding the energy to do things during the day will be difficult.
One interesting simple tip is to try to get to bed before midnight. According to the experts, a couple of hours before midnight is a key phase of sleep—it’s when your body is replenished physically, mentally, and emotionally. Make sure your room is dark, quiet, and not too warm. If sleep is a challenge, it might be worth seeking medical help.
Keeping a routine.
Many job seekers tell me that no matter how long they have been out of work, they continue to struggle with establishing a routine. We usually draw our motivation from extrinsic factors, such as a boss expecting you at work or a child needing to be dropped off at school at a certain time, which forces us to get up and get moving at a certain time of day. When these extrinsic factors are no longer there, it becomes harder to get those things done reliably.
Build job search activities into your calendar rather than just hoping you’ll find the time. Maybe daily is too much—perhaps you can give yourself one hour a day, every second day of the week, to get online and start applying for jobs. Taking small steps might feel less overwhelming than taking an all-or-nothing approach to getting things done.
Treat yourself the way you treat others: show some care and compassion.
Your mental health matters as much as your physical health. Permit yourself to do things you enjoy without guilt or self-recrimination.
Everyone has different needs. Some people might need quiet time alone to replenish. If that’s true for you, give yourself a block of time to watch your favourite television show, play with your pet, read a book, go for a walk, or do something creative. If you miss social connections, make a point of calling a friend or family member regularly and having a coffee together.
Build self-care into your schedule. Permit yourself to do it so that you can enjoy engaging in self-care, rather than doing it with a feeling of guilt.
Get support.
There are many resources available in your community to help. Social media is full of opportunities and groups of wonderful people who offer community members time, resources, and all sorts of support. Sites such as MeetUp.com offer multiple local free opportunities to connect with like-minded people.
Job search is much more effective and enjoyable if you can tap into supports and resources like those offered by JVS Toronto — it might be a huge help to have support to motivate you through the process. Having an Employment Counsellor who can help you up your job search game with a cutting-edge resume, an impressive LinkedIn profile, and access to jobs could make all the difference. Simply feeling accountable to someone else for getting those things done might get your motivational juices flowing. Contact us at 416-787-1151, or read up on our employment support here.
Motivation rarely comes easily in difficult times. Try to forgive yourself for not meeting the goals you might have set yourself and take small steps to get going again. Unemployment throws everyone off their game. People might not like to admit it, but most of us don’t use our time how we think we should. That can change with just a few careful steps in the right direction.