JVS Toronto is committed to providing high quality and appropriate services and information to our clients, donors, volunteers and other stakeholders. We uphold this commitment through our Customer Complaint Policy.
You are encouraged to share concerns and feedback about your experience with JVS Toronto. Please direct your feedback to qualityassurance@jvstoronto.org.
Customer Complaint Policy
JVS Toronto is committed to providing high quality and appropriate services for each customer seeking services. JVS Toronto recognizes that customers have the right to the opportunity of voicing their complaints to the agency about their experience with JVS Toronto services and to have their concerns addressed in a transparent and timely manner.
Types of Complaints
A complaint is a formal expression of dissatisfaction or concern regarding services received. It can be expressed verbally, in writing or electronically. As it relates to this policy, a service provision complaint can include issues related to program accessibility, quality, professionalism, communication, discrimination, privacy, facilities, staffing, customer service, safety, or other similar issues.
Complaint Intake
A complaint can be made in person, by phone or in writing by the individual directly or by someone acting on their behalf to their JVS Toronto contact or they can submit their complaint to the Quality Assurance Designate at qualityassurance@jvstoronto.org. All communications with the complainant or other parties involved throughout the complaint process will be documented and saved in the complaint file.
A complaint might be escalated at any point by the complainant to the Quality Assurance Designate, CEO or Human Resources. Contact with the complainant will be initiated within two (2) days of receiving the complaint to gather additional details about the nature of the complaint.
The Customer Complaint Policy will be shared with the complainant and they will be informed of our process.
Complaint Resolution
JVS Toronto will follow up with complainant within two (2) business days to present resolution option(s) (or a plan with timelines) and determine if this course of action will resolve the complainant’s issue(s). If the resolution is acceptable to the complainant, JVS Toronto will add the resolution to the complaint report and proceed to closing the file.
If the complainant is not satisfied with the final resolution, they can escalate the decision for further review to the Quality Assurance Designate.
Ongoing Complaint Review
A report is prepared annually and submitted to the Board of Directors summarizing the complaints and their outcomes.