JVS Toronto’s head office, located at 74 Tycos Drive, is home to our Disability Employment & Inclusion Services which provides crucial support for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities. These highly specialized services include a variety of programs that help build life skills, employment and job search skills, and provide meaning volunteer opportunities throughout the community that promote inclusion and self-sufficiency.
Recently, JVS Toronto received a grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) as part of the Resilient Communities Fund. The grant received funded improvements to the exterior of the Tycos building. These improvements included structural repairs and metal cladding which improve the heating and cooling of the space and will extend the life of the building so that we can continue to provide this critical programming to the community.
In addition, upgrades were made to the rear exit of the building, making it more accessible for individuals with mobility issues. As a result, the Developing Work Connections and Youth Community Choices for Success programs were able to access outdoor spaces for a cross-program group gardening project. Participants prepared garden beds and tended to the vegetables and herbs they planted.
The gardening project thrived and participants had a bountiful harvest of tomatoes, cucumbers, kale, peppers, and herbs that were used during cooking workshops throughout the summer.
The OTF mission is to build healthy and vibrant communities across Ontario. As an agency of the Government of Ontario, and one of Canada’s leading granting foundations, OTF seeks to support diverse communities and underrepresented populations in order to positively impact individuals experiencing barriers such as socio-economic, geographic, cultural, gender, abilities and/or racial.
On behalf of JVS Toronto and the populations we serve, we thank the Ontario Trillium Foundation for their continued support.
Our Mission
JVS Toronto is a non-profit leader in career and employment services for jobseekers and employers.It is our mission to empower people from diverse backgrounds and communities to achieve their employment potential and partners with employers to develop a strong and inclusive workforce.
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