Few job search experiences are more frustrating than applying for a perfectly suited job only to discover that that your application has disappeared into the black hole of cyberspace, never to be heard from again. Many job seekers do not know that at least 70 percent of resumes are rejected before they are ever reviewed by humans. Instead, resumes are being received, parsed and evaluated by computer bots known as Automated Tracking Systems (ATS).
ATS require applicants to register on a company recruitment site and submit resumes online. While it would seem that job seekers would benefit from the convenience of submitting a resume anytime and anywhere, many are at a disadvantage because their resumes haven’t been created in a way that computer software can read. Therefore, talented candidates might not be selected by employers for interviews, regardless of how well-qualified they may be.
To succeed in the online application game, it’s important to understand what an ATS system can read and how it selects candidates for further consideration.
What is ATS?
ATS refers to a range of software programs companies used to gather, read and process the contents of resumes. ATS bots are designed to evaluate resumes against a set of parameters or keywords and then rank each resume according to how well it matches the specific requirements of the job. Based on that ranking, employers decide which candidates will be invited in for an interview.
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