Welcome to JVS Toronto’s Volunteer & Student Services!
Thank you for your commitment in bettering the lives of others by giving the value of your time. Below are the documents you need to review as part of your Volunteer & Student Orientation prior to your first volunteer or placement shift.
Please review the following policies:
- AODA Accessible Customer Service Policy
- Code of Conduct
- Customer Service Policy
- Protection of Human Rights & Prevention of Violence in the Workplace
On the Privacy Policies page, please review:
- JVS Toronto Enterprise Privacy Policy
- Business and Remote Office Privacy and Security Policy
- Records Retention and Destruction Policy
- Personnel Records Collection and Disclosure Policy
- Client Records Collection and Disclosure Policy
- Privacy Breach Policy
- Privacy Complaint Resolution Policy
Other Policies:
- Email and Internet Policy (To be provided by HR at time of orientation)
Once you have reviewed the policies, please complete the Volunteer & Student Orientation Policies Sign-Off Form on page 9 of the Volunteer & Student Orientation Package (Download pdf). Please hand in your completed form, and direct any questions to your immediate supervisor.