IPLAN EMPLOYMENT – Immigrant Professionals Leveraging Architectural Knowledge for New Opportunities
IPLAN EMPLOYMENT helps you build on your international education and work experience by gaining the knowledge and skills to help you integrate into the architectural workplace in Ontario.
Delivered over 14 weeks at Toronto Metropolitan University and at JVS Toronto, the program is a unique blend of academic and workplace training designed to help prepare you for your Ontario career in architecture and get you hired faster! International professionals should also ensure that they avail themselves of information regarding the process for licensure as an architect in Ontario, which is administered and governed by the Ontario Association of Architects under the Architects Act.
This 14-week program includes:
- 3 accredited architectural courses at Toronto Metropolitan University
- Sector-specific employment workshops at JVS Toronto
- Licensing information from the Ontario Association of Architects (OAA)*
- Mentoring, internships and work placements
- Job search coaching and support
Click to view Eligibility Requirements.
For more information or to register, contact (416) 649-1700 or iplan@jvstoronto.org
IPLAN PRACTICE – Immigrant Professionals Leveraging Architectural Knowledge for New Opportunities
IPLAN PRACTICE is designed for newcomer intern architects across Ontario seeking licensure.
This 14-week program includes:
- Technical skills training by sector specialists
- Targeted professional skills training provided by JVS Toronto
- Licensing information from the Ontario Association of Architects (OAA)*
- Networking and mentoring
- Job search support
- Internships and employment opportunities
Click to view Eligibility Requirements.
For more information or to register, contact (416) 649-1700 iplanpractice@jvstoronto.org
Additional Programs
In addition to the IPLAN Bridging Programs, JVS Toronto also delivers additional integration programs for newcomer architectural professionals.
Canadian Workplace Communication for Architecture
Communication skills and job search support for internationally trained professionals in Architecture.
This 8-week program includes:
- Enhanced language training (ELT) including Canadian workplace terminology
- Networking and information sessions with Canadian employers and industry experts
- Improved Canadian Language Benchmark
- Exclusive internships and job placements
Open to Permanent Residents, Convention Refugees, CUAET Recipients with a CLB level 4 and above.
For more information or to register, contact (416) 649-1603 or cwc@jvstoronto.org
BUILD – Building Unbiased and Inclusive Workplaces Leveraging Diversity
An online Ontario-wide orientation program for international professionals in Architecture or a related field.
This 10-week program includes:
- Architecture-specific information delivered by Canadian industry experts and employers
- Group job search sessions customized for architecture and one-on-one job search support
- Mentoring and internship opportunities
- Networking and employer connections
Open to Permanent Residents, Convention Refugees, CUAET Recipients with intermediate English-language proficiency and an education or work experience in architecture or related field.
For more information or to register, contact (416) 649-1577 or build@jvstoronto.org