JVS Toronto – North Registration

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Rules and Regulations

JVS Toronto staff has the discretion to give out warnings and/or revoke client privileges to access programs, services, or resources centres for not adhering to the following rules and regulations.

  • Clients will respect all individuals including staff and other clients; any form of abuse, verbal or physical will not be tolerated.
  • Clients will treat all property with care including washroom facilities. Any damage or misuse of the property will result in loss of privileges.
  • Excessive noise or profanity is not permitted.
  • Telephones, computers and fax machines are to be used for local employment and educational purposes only.
  • No eating or drinking allowed at the computers.
  • Clients must have their card with them in order to access any service and equipment available.

Informed Client Consent to Collect, Use and Disclose Personal Information

Privacy of personal information is an important principle to JVS Toronto.  We are committed to limiting the collection of information to what is necessary for the purposes identified by JVS Toronto to allow JVS Toronto to provide necessary services for a respective client. We also limit use and disclosure of personal information for purposes other than those for which it was collected.

Personal information will only be collected by fair and lawful means and includes any factual or subjective information, recorded or not, about an identifiable individual, such as: age, name, income, opinions, evaluations, etc. JVS Toronto ensures that we will not disclose personal information to third parties without your consent, unless we are legally required to do so. JVS Toronto has a number of security safeguards in place to protect your information.


Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation Consent

JVS Toronto requests your consent to send electronic messages about the agency (unrelated to your program/service) such as notices, announcements, events and fundraising activities. For more information on Canada’s anti-spam laws, visit www.fightspam.gc.ca. For JVS Toronto’s privacy policies, visit www.jvstoronto.org/privacy-policy.

You can change your mind and withdraw your consent by contacting your JVS Toronto representative. *