ES + JVS Consent

Ministry of Labour, Immigration,Training and Skills Development

Employment Ontario
Participant Registration

Participant Details

I identify as: *
Do you identify as transgender?
Status in Canada *
Preferred Language *
Immigrated to Canada? *
Preferred Communication
Marital Status *
Please complete if you wish to self-identify as a member of a designated group(s). Your response to this question is entirely voluntary and will not affect your eligibility. This information will be used by the Governments of Ontario and Canada for policy analysis and statistical purposes related to employment programs and services. You may select more than one (1) option:

Participant Address and Contact Information

Primary Phone Number
Alternate Phone Number


Indicate your Highest Level of Education/Qualification:
Additional Education


List your work experience, including volunteer work. Start with the most recent job/volunteer activity.

Work Experience 1

Employment Type
Pay Period

Work Experience 2

Employment Type
Pay Period

Work Experience 3

Employment Type
Pay Period

Additional information

Have you applied for Employment Insurance Benefits in the past 52 weeks?

Notice of Collection and Consent

Your organization delivers Employment Service under an agreement with the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (Ministry) and is required to make its records available to the Ministry for inspection, investigation or audit. Your organization is also required to report to the Ministry on:
• the service it tailors and provides you;
• your employment progress and outcome; and
• your satisfaction with the services you receive.

The Ministry will also collect relevant personal information about you from the Government of Canada (Canada) if necessary. The purpose of this information is to determine your eligibility for Employment Insurance benefits, the nature and level of Employment Insurance benefits, and to monitor, assess and evaluate the effectiveness of Employment Service. Depending on the type of service or support you receive and any incentives available to your employer to hire you, your organization or the Ministry may also collect personal information about you from your employer.

The Ministry may use contractors and auditors to administer and finance Employment Service.

Administration includes:
• Assessing the performance of your organization – its effectiveness, efficiency and customer service results; monitoring, inspecting, investigating, auditing and enforcing your organization’s compliance with its agreement with the Ministry.
• Planning, evaluating and monitoring Employment Service – this includes conducting surveys, and conducting policy and statistical analysis and research related to all aspects of Employment Service. You may be contacted to request your voluntary participation in surveys.
• Promoting Employment Service – you may be contacted to request your voluntary participation in public relations campaigns related to Employment Service.

If you are a client of, or applying to, the Ontario Disability Support Program or Ontario Works, the Ministry will provide your personal information to the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) for the purposes of administering employment services and managing the participation of MCCSS clients in employment support programs under the Ontario Works Act, 1997, and the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997.

Employment Service is funded by the Ministry, in part with funds provided by Canada under Part II of the Employment Insurance Act. When funds are provided by Canada, the Ministry is equired to provide information to Canada to help monitor and assess the Employment Insurance Program, as required under s.3 of the Employment Insurance Act. Under the Labour Market Development Agreement between Canada and Ontario (LMDA) and the Workforce Development Agreement between Canada and Ontario (WDA), the Ministry is required to collect your social insurance number.

The Ministry collects your personal information pursuant to the LMDA and WDA, ss. 3 and 63 of the Employment Insurance Act, S.C. 1996, C.23 as amended, and s.76.29 of the Employment Insurance Regulations, SOR/96-332. The Ministry will collect personal information from clients who identify as Ontario Disability Support Program or Ontario Works recipients and disclose your personal information to MCCSS in accordance with the s.71 of the Ontario Works Act, 1997, and s.53 of the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997.

For more information about the collection and use of your personal information to administer and finance Employment Service,you can contact the Manager, Employment Ontario Call Centre , in writing at the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development, 33 Bloor Street East, 2nd Floor, Toronto, Ontario M7A 2S3 or by phone at 1-800-387-5656. For the hearing impaired, TTY is available at 1-866-533-6339.


By signing below, I acknowledge that my Service Provider has explained its use and disclosure of my personal information for its purpose.
By signing below, I give consent to the Ministry to indirectly collect, use and disclose my personal information for the purposes set out above.